Amalgam Fillings: What Jupiter, FL Residents Need to Know

Got a cavity?  A filling is probably in your future.  Fillings are a hot topic in health circles...One in particular, the Amalgam filling. It may look silver and be referred to as silver fillings, but there’s a bit more to know.  Let’s parcel out the fact and fiction regarding fillings. 

Fillings can be a mixture of metals, including: gold, silver, tin, composite resin, and copper. Small amounts of zinc, indium or palladium also may be used. 

Amalgam (consists of mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper)

It’s the mercury in the fillings that is causing quite a stir, though mercury has been used in fillings for over 150 years.  Mercury is a naturally occurring substance, present in air, water, and soil.  Forty-seven percent of dentists place amalgam fillings.  

Various studies on mercury fillings indicate that the amount of mercury, “you are exposed to from your fillings is less than the amount that most people are exposed to in their daily environment or in the food they eat.”  In fact, consumption of seafood is more likely to expose you to mercury than your fillings, according to the EPA.

 Still, you may need to discuss your options with Dr. Kubiliun if you are in certain risk groups.  Let us know if you deal with mercury in your work environment, eat high amounts of seafood (such as being a pesco-vegetarian), are exposed to burning coal frequently or mine gold.  If you grind your teeth, chew gum frequently or drink carbonated drinks daily, these are also things to consider if you need fillings.  The highest amount of mercury exposure occurs when the fillings are placed and when the fillings are removed.  Have Dr. Kubiliun check to see that your fillings are still intact and discuss the risks. 


Stop into our Jupiter, FL office and let’s have a frank discussion about your fillings needs.  There’s a lot of hype about the dangers of fillings, but by scheduling an appointment with one of Jupiters top dentist ~Dr. Mark Kubiliun~ He will make a treatment plan that fits your unique situation.  Whether you need a new filling or need your current fillings evaluated, our friendly staff is here for all your needs. 

From all of us here at Harbor Breeze Dental Care- Thank you for taking the time to read this article! 

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